Club Adjustable Ankle Irons™
½ to 5 pounds each Ankle Weight
Club Adjustable Ankle Irons™ are IRONWEAR ™’s top of the line
ankle weights. They are covered by a patented soft durable glove
leather surface which feels nice on the hands and blocks
sweat from being absorbed.

Club Adjustable Ankle Irons™ besides being more comfortable,
can be easily wiped off, cleaned and sterilized. They are ideal for
heavy use and multiple users.
Club Adjustable Ankle Irons™ have five patented padded stretch pockets
into which individual IRONWEAR ™’s patented ½ pound Flex-metal™
inserts may be inserted. Each pocket is designed to hold one or two weights
securely. This allows each weight to be adjusted in 1/2 pound increments up
to 5 pounds. AI050A come as a pair with 20 – ½ pound inserts.
Club Adjustable Ankle Irons™ thin Flex-metal™ inserts flex with your
movements and bend to the contours of your ankle. The soft gel like material
stays in place without creating localized pressure points.
Club Adjustable Ankle Irons™ with Flex-metal™ inserts do not move
around or rotate. They do not shake, sag, or spill out like sand and shot
filled weights. They do not chafe or bruise like weights made with metal bars.
Club Adjustable Ankle Irons™ have an over sized neoprene strap which
can be used to adjust the weight to the desired tension on any size ankle.

Club Adjustable Ankle Irons™ thin design and can be worn under
sweat shirts or pants. They are easy to wash and should last for years.

"I bought the Club Adjustable Ankle Irons AIO50ACB directly from you and I love my ankle irons.
One story- now the St. Pete Police know about your fabulous product. Our community policing officer was walking his beat at Northshore beach. He wasn't pleased when I screeched to a halt on the street, slammed my car into park, facing the wrong way and sprinted across the grass to a park bench. Officer Friendly asked "Is there a problem, Maam?"
"I left my ankle weights," I screamed in a panic.
He didn't know why a grown woman would love her ankle weights so mcuh, but I caught hom admiring my legs. I showed him the fantastic flex weights and he didn't give me a ticket.